Sunday, February 28, 2010

Miracles are Everywhere

It seems when things are not going so good we ask some higher power for a miracle as if miracles are a rare thing and only happen at particular times. Scientists will explain the awesome power of the sun but can they explain how the sun got there? They can only give us theories and even scientific theories conflict.
How can you explain the profound feeling of joy and comfort when someone dear holds you close? Why do blooming flowers make us happy? Why do we experience a euphoric feeling when we become a parent or grandparent? What path of fate led us to find love even when we thought there was no hope?

Each day think of the miracle of just being alive. Embrace your loved ones and pray that they will be safe and with you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Not a Pretty Picture

Today as I entered the supermarket a young man was exiting, shorts crotch down near his knees, underwear a bit above the waist of his pants and the crack of his behind out there for everyone to see. This is not the first time I've seen this kind of attire but I just couldn't keep quiet. I walked up to the young man and asked why he thought his behind was so beautiful that it was necessary to show it off. He was stunned and didn't know what to say. I continued to tell him that it was offensive to most people and although he thought he was in style I needed to call the fashion police. He actually replied by saying how sorry he was and that he was only following a trend.
Now I thought to myself what if all the senior men in Florida decided to follow the same trend.

Close your eyes and visualize the picture!

Friday, February 26, 2010

What You Say Makes a Lasting Imression

I was brought up in a family where it was easier to criticize than to praise. I remember getting all dressed up to go to my aunt's house and feeling like the most beautiful child in the world only to be told, "Oh, there's a loose button on your dress. Mommy must have missed this when she got you dressed." I remember the family talking about each others faults and frailties rarely speaking about accomplishments.

I was the "wild child" of the family. I was the one who didn't follow the rules, who asked "Why?" who was inquisitive and not afraid to take chances.
When I eloped at 19 and became a single parent at 20 you can just imagine the burning telephone conversations between my relatives. However, did one of them congratulate or send me or send a card when I managed to get myself through college? When I was taking care of my dieing husband I can't remember any of them holding me and giving me words of encouragement. Still, when I see them they rehash the times I met with their disapproval. It seems they can't feel comfortable saying something complimentary, how sad.

So I say: try hard to close your lips when you want to say something that might hurt someone. Think of a different way to say what you think it is so necessary to say.
Tell people how proud you are to be part of their life. Make constructive suggestions rather that critical remarks.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friends, Freindship and the People Around Us

Unless you're a hermit or an agoraphobic you will be in the company of many people during the day, some you will call your friends, some coworkers some casual acquaintances others will just have the status of passers by but each person will have been a part of your life that day. Noone is alone unless they chose to be. Friends are important to have but what does the word friend really mean?
Is a friend the person you call when you're in trouble? yes
Is a freind the person you can always count on to be there for support? yes
Will a friend make you smile, laugh, and feel better? yes
But a friend is a person and we know that no person is perfect. So I say:

You cannot call a person your friend unless you are willing to accept and love them warts and all.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aging is a Global Experience

We are surrounded and bombarded with information telling us how to look younger, how to remove wrinkles, how to have shiny sexy hair and radiant skin. Our world is too worried about how we look. Isn't it more important to find ways to improve the quality of life by learning how to accept ourselves and others and realize that no bottle of magic cream can replace a hug or a loving smile.

Aging for women is a global experience:
At the age of about 40 our breasts start moving south
At the age of 50 our gums have started to move north
By age 60 our hips have moved east and west

See what I mean

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Thoughts and Wise Advice

I have been toying with creating a blog for some time. So finally, I decided now is as good a time as ever. My problem was I had no idea what to do. Fortunatly for me Peter, the man in my life is a whiz at this so here I am.
Having lived for some 6 decades and then some I realize that I have a pretty good grip on what's going on. I don't believe I'm smarter than anyone but the years have given me some insight and wisdom. So each day or so I'm going to write about something I have noticed or something that boggles my mind

First Thought: Right when you think you have the bull by the horns you realize the bull actually has his horns up your tush.