Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aging is a Global Experience

We are surrounded and bombarded with information telling us how to look younger, how to remove wrinkles, how to have shiny sexy hair and radiant skin. Our world is too worried about how we look. Isn't it more important to find ways to improve the quality of life by learning how to accept ourselves and others and realize that no bottle of magic cream can replace a hug or a loving smile.

Aging for women is a global experience:
At the age of about 40 our breasts start moving south
At the age of 50 our gums have started to move north
By age 60 our hips have moved east and west

See what I mean

1 comment:

  1. Bernice,
    I just posted on my Facebook page last night that the greatest evil women face is not chocolate, or extreme hormonal changes or a bad hair day...but GRAVITY! And I for one hate Sir Isaac Newton for discovering it.
